AMEND news in Month: April 2024
Treasurer Vacancy
Our amazing Treasurer, Catherine Hamilton-Woodthorpe, is having to step down shortly due to other work commitments. This means that there will be a vacancy for this Executive Trustee position. Catherine has offered to stay on until the position is filled, and to help the new Treasurer settle in, to allow as seamless a transition as possible. If you have a background in accountancy, or know someone who does, and are potentially interested in getting involved at this level to help our small but essential charity, then please do review the job specification. This is one of the most important volunteer roles at AMEND, so if you feel you could do it justice, then please do get in touch as soon as possible.
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AMEND Involved in Novel SIMBA Training Event
This two-day continuing professional development (CDP) programme focused on the adrenal gland was aimed at medical professionals and medical students both in person and via the internet, with over 100 registered. In the main, these events are lead and run by the medical students of the SIMBA student committee, as part of their learning experience. AMEND was invited to take part to represent phaeochromocytomas and adrenocortical cancer (ACC).
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AMEND Attends SICEM 2024 in Seoul
AMEND CEO, Jo Grey, was honoured to be invited to give a presentation at the 2024 Seoul International Congress of Endocrinology & Metabolism (SICEM) meeting in April, organised by the Korean Endocrine Society. A special symposium on multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes, the first of its kind at the meeting, was held at the start of the conference. AMEND thanks the organisers for the invitation and for enabling us to attend this fabulous conference in the amazing city of Seoul.
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