• AMEND wishes to support research and is provides grants when funds allow to enable medical researchers to supplement an existing project or pump-prime new research ideas. Applicants must be registered members of AMEND and the successful projects must be specifically directed to the study of endocrine tumours, within the context of the Charity’s remit.  Awards are only available to projects carried out within the United Kingdom and Eire.  Each project grant is usually worth up to £10,000, although smaller and larger amounts have been awarded.  The availability of our Research Awards are subject to appropriate levels of surplus funds and the financial needs of other areas work of AMEND.

    2024 ACC Research Award Round CLOSED*

    (Deadline 31 August, 2024)


    Specific Grants

    The Elliot Dallen Award for ACC Research forms part of the annual grants programme for 2022-2024.  The Elliot Dallen Trust was set up by the family and friends of the late Elliot Dallen, who had ACC. The Elliot Dallen Trust has granted AMEND a fund of £10,000 specifically for research into adrenocortical cancer.  This is the final year of the 3-year grant programme.  Please complete and return the AMEND Research Application Form below.


    *Research Awards for MEN/PGL Syndromes

    AMEND is currently working on strengthening the sustainability of the charity, which includes finding ways to diversify income streams and recruit new or additional members of staff.  Together with challenges in income generation caused by the current financial climate, this means that the general Research Awards were suspended for 2023 and 2024 by the Board of Trustees at their meeting on 25th March 2023 (unless substantial funds are sourced in the meantime).  We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, however, the Trustees feel that the securing the future of the charity is a bigger priority at present.  This does not affect the restricted Research Funding for ACC provided by the Elliot Dallen Trust.

  • For further information and criteria, please view the application form:

  • AMEND Research Fund Application Form

    AMEND Research Award Application Form.doc

  • NIHR Non-Commercial Partnership

    AMEND is an NIHR RDN Non-commercial Partner. This means the studies that we fund may be eligible to access the NIHR Study Support Service which is provided by the NIHR Research Delivery Network within the NHS, and the wider public health and social care environment, across England. Read the full policy: Eligibility Criteria for NIHR Clinical Research Network Support.

    In partnership with your local R&D office, we encourage you to involve your regional NIHR Research Delivery Network team in discussions as early as possible when planning your study. This will enable you to fully benefit from the support available through the NIHR Study Support Service. Find out more about the Study Support Service.

    If your study involves NHS sites in England you will need to apply for Health Research Authority (HRA) Approval. Guidance on submitting an application for approvals is available on the HRA website.
