• Due to the current and forecast challenging economic climate, the Trustees have suspended the AMEND Research Award programme until 2025 to concentrate on developing sustainability in our funding streams.

    However, we are delighted that the Elliot Dallen Trust has committed to a 3-year grant for research projects into adrenocortical cancer, and has entrusted AMEND to oversee the £10,000 p.a. award.


    We congratulate our ACC Research Award winners for 2023:

    • Dr James MacFarlane, Dr Ruth Casey, Professor Mark Gurnell (Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)

    Below is the lay summary of their research proposal and we look forward to hearing how they get on in 12 months’ time when they submit their final reports.

  • Dr James MacFarlane

    Recipient of the Elliot Dallen Award for ACC Research (£10,000)

    Lay Summary

    Exploring CYP11B1 and CYP11B2 expression as a novel molecular risk stratification tool in adrenocortical carcinoma

    Adrenocortical cancer (ACC) is an unpredictable disease. Even when scans suggest that surgery has successfully removed all the visible tumour there remains a significant risk of recurrence.

    A chemotherapy drug called Mitotane may be given after surgery with intent to destroy any remaining pockets of microscopic adrenal cancer cells. However, it is often associated with several unpleasant and potentially serious side effects including: the need to take steroid tablets due to low levels of the hormone cortisol, feeling or being sick, excessive tiredness and weakness and liver changes. A recent study (ADIUVO trial) has shown that many patients treated with mitotane do not gain any benefit in terms of their outcome. Our existing tools for matching patients with the most appropriate treatment (precision medicine) are limited for ACC.

    Enzymes are part of the machinery within the adrenal gland that produce hormones. The levels and function of these enzymes are recognised to change in ACC. There are two enzymes, involved in the final stages of hormone production, of particular interest to our group (CYP11B1 and CYP11B2). We hypothesise that the pattern of change can give information about how likely an ACC is to recur and could be used for risk stratification and to help guide management.

    A local pilot study has shown significant variability in the staining for the enzymes amongst 25 paraffin-embedded tumour samples. It appears that patchy or reduced staining for CYP11B1 portends a worse outcome. We suspect that staining a single slice of these large, complex tumours gives an incomplete picture – hence we propose investigating more slices (3-4) in more tumours (75-100) to be able to draw meaningful conclusions with appropriate statistical power.

    The relevance of these particular enzymes is that levels/activity can be investigated in the tumour prior to surgery via a specialised type of scan (11C-Metomidate PET/CT or 18F-CETO PET/CT).

    Our hope is that this study could provide a scientific basis for further work exploring the use of 18F-CETO PET/CT scans in the pre-operative setting to facilitate personalised treatment for ACC.