29 Sep 2023
Volunteer for a new research project
Adults aged 18+ who are affected by one of the Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN) subtypes and living in the UK are being sought to take part in an MSc Genetic and Genomic Counselling dissertation research study. This study aims to explore the experiences of those undergoing surveillance for MEN in the UK.
Participating in this study involves a single one-to-one interview, conducted online and lasting approximately 30-45 minutes. Participants will be asked open-ended questions, allowing exploration of participants’ experiences in their own words. This study aims to improve understanding of the experiences of surveillance and the impact this can have on those living with MEN, in attempt to identify any unmet needs at a support and/or service level which may inform future developments.
If you would like to receive further information about this study, or to volunteer as a participant, please email Emma Coats, Cardiff University MSc Genetic and Genomic Counselling student researcher. This research study is supervised by Dr Frauke Pelz, Associate Specialist in Medical Genetics, University Hospital of Wales.
Emma Coats: coatsec@cardiff.ac.uk
This study has been reviewed by the Cardiff University School of Medicine Research Ethics Committee. Ethical approval was granted on 11th September 2023.