Unfortunately, we do not have a benefits expert on our small staff, so cannot advise individually on this. However, we hope that we have collated sufficient useful information and links below to help make things easier for you to find and access. If you have any hints or tips to share with others, please let us know by sending us an email via Contact Us.
Employment & Returning to Work
A guide for employers and employees regarding employment and return to work for patients with endocrine disease. Produced by AMEND.
View Booklet
Employment & Support Allowance
Information on eligibility criteria and how to apply for the Department for Work & Pension's Employment & Support Allowance.
View Booklet
Personal Independence Payment (PIP
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) can help with extra living costs if you have both a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability, and difficulty doing certain everyday tasks or getting around because of your condition.
Go to website
Genetic Conditions and Insurance
What you need to know and what you need to tell. From the Genetic Alliance UK
View Genetic Alliance website resource
Turn2Us Benefits Calculator
Use the free and confidential Benefits Calculator to find out what benefits you are entitled to claim. In the last year over 2 million calculations have been made by people, like you, looking for information they deserve and need.
Visit Turn2Us Benefits Calculator
Citizens Advice Bureau
Information on grants and benefits to help you pay your energy bills
View website
Martin Lewis Money Saving Expert
Grab the latest deals, guides, tips 'n' tricks directly from Martin and the MSE team.
Go to the website
Rareminds Survey Report
Rareminds 2023 Survey Report, 'Rare Minds Matter', looking at the impact on and needs of rare disease patients
Read and download