• 2015 Supporters

    Thank you to the following:

    Adam Barnes, Kevin Masters, Stephanie Fox, David Short, Steph Mather, Sam Meadows, Simon Williams, Alan Grey, Lois Grey, Jo Grey, Professor Karim Meeran, Marium Meeran, Caroline Beasley, Lauren Winsor, Adam Greenwood, Dorota Wozniak, Haleigh Richardson and Co, the Catley Family, Danielle Broderick, June and David Vickers, Mala Malani, Jack Hobbs, In Kent Direct, Luan Cherry, the families of the late Richard Dunn, Sylvia Russell and David Russell.

    Albert Hunt Charitable Trust Fund (AMEND Counselling Service)

    Advance Security Limited

    European Neuroendocrine Tumour Society (ENETS) (free delegate place)
    HDCT The Houghton Dunn Charitable Trust

    HRA Pharma UK & Ireland Ltd (Unrestricted patient group grant)

    Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd (Unrestricted patient group grant)

    St James’s Place Foundation (AMEND Counselling Service)

    Society for Endocrinology (free delegate and exhibition space, travel and patient group grants)

    Austin & Hope Pilkington Trust (AMEND Counselling & Patient Support)