AMEND news in Month: May 2016
Record-breaking Day
A record was broken at AMEND's 13th Annual Patient Information Day held in London on Saturday 7th May, when almost 100 participants gave up a day in the sun to learn about MEN and to socialise for mutual support. A superb variety of talks were available from some excellent speakers. Main talks were filmed as usual and will be available free to view via this website and our YouTube channel shortly. Thank you to all who came, and all who were involved in the day and its organisation.
Click here to find out more...
New Celebrity Patron for AMEND!
We are thrilled that actor, Shaun Williamson, best known for his role as 'Barry' in Eastenders, has agreed to become a Patron of AMEND. Kent-based Shaun has a cousin with MEN2a and visited the AMEND offices on Wednesday 27th April to find out more about the charity and the families whom we support. Shaun commented, 'As a local, born and bred, it's an honour to be able to help a Kent-base charity which is doing such great work.' We look forward to working with Shaun to raise awareness of AMEND and multiple endocrine neoplasia. Watch this space.... Welcome to the team Shaun!