29 May 2021
New video on MEN1 with Prof Thakker
We are pleased to share with you AMEND’s Patient Voice Hub Session video from the European Congress on Endocrinology that ran from Saturday 22nd to Wednesday 26th May.
The questions in ‘Controversies in diagnosis and surgical intervention in MEN1’ were developed from the themes identified in a recent patient survey, so these are controversies as seen by patients rather than doctors. Obviously it was a popular topic since it was viewed over 1000 times at the conference, which is fantastic engagement!
AMEND Trustee and MEN1 Representative, Gill Masters, asks the questions to AMEND’s Patron and Lead Medical Advisor, Professor Raj Thakker (Oxford).
We hope you find it interesting.
For more information on MEN1, including patient literature, patient stories and videos, check out our webpage.
Controversies in diagnosis and surgical intervention in MEN1