Karim Meeran
Professor Karim Meeran did his undergraduate and postgraduate training in London, and then proceeded to an academic career at Imperial College. He is a Fellow both of the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Pathologists. He has become the Training Programme Director for Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology in London.
He has over 100 peer reviewed articles. He has an active research programme looking both at patients with clinical problems resulting from neuroendocrine tumours as well as those with pituitary disease, and has an interest in multidisciplinary working.
He runs a successful Multidisciplinary (MDT) Endocrine Symposium every year, in which AMEND participates.
Professor Meeran won a 2022 Society for Endocrinology Outstanding Clinical Practitioner Award.
Our congratulations go to Prof Meeran who commented: ‘I’m both proud and delighted to have received such a high honour from the Society. The Society has been very supportive in so many ways, and I’m particularly grateful for its support in achieving a reduction in the price of hydrocortisone. I am proud to have been associated with the availability of 2.5mg and 5mg tablets, enabling patients to accurately dose themselves without having to cut tablets in half. These little things that the Society does for patients is one of the reasons that I am so happy to receive this Award.’