• We are very grateful to anyone who gifts us their My Story.  The following stories give you a flavour of the variety of journeys with MTC that different people experience.  We hope you find them interesting, useful and maybe even inspiring.  Writing about your experiences of living with a rare cancer can be cathartic.  If you would like to write about your story, please download our template and send it to Jo Grey at the AMEND HQ.  Thank you

  • Julie Rose

  • Chris Spavin

  • People with rare cancers like MTC often find it helpful to hear about the experiences of others with the same or similar diseases.  In addition, many people find it a rather cathartic or healing experience to write down their experiences of their disease.

    Whatever the motivation, we are always happy to receive your story and have developed a Word template below with some prompt questions in case you’re not sure where to start.  Please send your story* in to Jo Grey.

    *stories may be edited to preserve anonymity where required

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